In the rapidly evolving landscape of sustainable finance, ABN Amro has charted a new course by embracing cutting-edge technology to tokenize green bonds in collaboration […]
Category: Bonds
Ecuador Social Bond: Landmark 2020 First-to-Market Sovereign Sustainable Guaranteed by IDB
In an era where financial markets are evolving to meet the challenges of sustainable development, the Ecuador Social Bond was a landmark first-to-market 2020 issuance […]
ADB makes $15 million investment in Georgia’s BasisBank Green Bond
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has made a strategic investment in BasisBank’s USD 20 million issuance of a green bond in Georgia, marking a significant […]
€100 Million IFAD Sustainable Bond with Bank Al Maghrib
In a notable collaboration, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has issued a €100 million sustainable bond to Bank Al Maghrib, Morocco’s central bank. […]
Banco Finandina Issues USD 50 Million Green Bonds in Colombia
On 24 July 2024, Banco Finandina BIC S.A., in collaboration with IDB Invest, issued Colombian Pesos green bonds totaling approximately USD 50 million. The transaction […]
Colombia Places Biodiversity Bond with IFC and BBVA Colombia
Colombia has taken a significant step towards biodiversity conservation by issuing its first biodiversity bond with IFC and BBVA Colombia. On July 12, 2024, Colombia places biodiversity bond issued by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Colombia S.A. (BBVA) Colombia and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) subscribing to Colombia\’s first biodiversity bond, raising $15 million for environmental projects with a proposed subscription of upto $35 million. The bond is expected to total $70 million over three years and will be used to finance projects that support biodiversity in Colombia.
Costa Rica Blue Bond by IDB and Banco Nacional de costa RicA
On July 15, 2024, IDB Invest, the private arm of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and Banco Nacional de Costa Rica (BNCR) announced the launch […]
California’s $10B Climate Bond
This blog provides an in-depth look at California’s $10 billion climate bond, emphasizing its significance and potential impact on the financial sector and sustainable development. It serves as a powerful example of how innovative financial instruments can be utilized to address pressing global challenges.
Finance for Peace
Finance for Peace is a groundbreaking initiative leveraging financial markets to promote global stability and economic development in conflict-affected areas. It focuses on intentional, inclusive, and sustainable investments, and offers innovative financial instruments like Peace Bonds and Peace Equity. Through case studies, it demonstrates the potential of peace-positive investments to yield social and financial returns.
World Bank’s Wildlife Conservation Rhino Bond
The “Rhino Bond” is a five-year $150 million Sustainable Development Bond.